There is a great difference also among the various acinus fruits. First of all, among the grapes, we find considerable difference in respect to their firmness, the thinness or thickness of the skin, and the stone inside the fruit, which in some varieties is remarkably small, and in others even double in number: these last producing but very little juice. Very different, again, are the berries of the ivy[1] and the elder;[2] as also those in the pomegranate,[3] these being the only ones that are of an angular shape. These last, also, have not a membrane for each individual grain, but one to cover them all in common, and of a pale colour. All these fruits consist, too, of juice and flesh, and those more particularly which have but small seeds inside.

There are great varieties, too, among the berry[4] fruits; the berry of the olive being quite different from that of the laurel, the berry of the lotus[5] from that of the cornel, and that of the myrtle from the berry of the lentisk. The berry, however, of the aquifolium[6] and the thorn[7] is quite destitute of juice.

The cherry[8] occupies a middle place between the berry and the acinus fruit: it is white at first, which is the case also with nearly all the berries. From white, some of the berries pass to green, the olive and the laurel, for instance; while in the mulberry, the cherry, and the cornel, the change is to red; and then in some to black, as with the mulberry, the cherry, and the olive, for instance.

1. See B. xvi. c. 52.

2. See B. xxiv. c. 35.

3. See B. xiii. c. 34.

4. "Baccis." Berries, properly so called.

5. The Celtis Australis of Linnæus.

6. Supposed by some to be the holly. See B. xxv. c. 72.

7. He alludes to a variety of the crategus.

8. The Cerasus vulgaris of modern botanists. It is said to have obtained its name from Cerasus, in Asia Minor, where Lucullus found it.